Today at 07:31 AM Logician said this in Post #8
If you already have Microstats, you must have this line because it is a part of Microstats code. You can confirm it if you check Microstat's hack's installation document. 
Check around lines 500-600 in functions.php.
The correct way that line is printed in my functions.php is:
$versionnum = phpversion();
around line 701. Just any FYI. The spacing is different in your instructions.
Also, the second step's code can be found by searching for
$adminstats = '<br />[' . $debugmode . '] [PHP v' . $versionnum . '] [' . $gziptext . ']' . $serverload;
Again also a spacing difference.
My finished line for that portion of the hack is
$adminstats = '<br />[' . $debugmode . '] [PHP v' . $versionnum . '] [' . $gziptext . ']' . $output . $serverload;
Please let me know if that's alright!