Actually this is a new virus which had been spreading online recently. This virus currently infect Windows XP but not sure whether Windows 2000 is vulnerable to it. You will know you're infected when a small pop up window appear with a timer counting down the shutdown.
Well, download the microsoft patch at
A reboot might be required after patching.
Next up is to delete the files
1. Control+ALT+DEL and end the process called msblast.exe
2. Goto search and find msblast, there should be two files with that name, msblast.exe and mblast.exe-123xxx
3. Use RegEdit and go to HKEY_LOCAL- MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Run and delete the msblast auto update
Then reboot the machine
To buy yourself some time so you can actually do all of this, when shutdown window appears click Start>run>type in "cmd" (no quotations) then in the window that pops up type "shutdown -a" no quotations. This stops the shutdown but doesnt allow you to copy or paste text and other such things.
Hope it help.
- Matthew