Well I wasn't going to reply to this thread but you put your site up for feedback so i'm going to give it.
In all honesty this is like you just looked at another persons site and got inspired in PS. You have absolutely slaughtered the font usage. Your navigation is the key part to your site yet its barely readable. You have not once smoothened your fonts out so it looks jagged edges everywhere. Basically your usage of fonts is unbelievably tasteless.
In the forums again you have made the same problem with your font usage. You don't smoothen your fonts out on image. The navigation buttons are unreadable and the text is far too big. To me it looks like you tried something wiredgamers like and drew it by hand. PS offers many techniques to draw curves and by hand is not a very good one. Basically im sitting here looking at lots of jagged edges and unreadable text and conflicting colors.
Now i'm not going to just criticise you like that without trying to be constructive about it so here are a few tips from me.
- Learn how to make curves in PS by visiting somewhere like
TeamPhotoshop and get rid of those horrendous hand drawn jagged edges that your curves have.
- When usign fonts in your images always smoothen them out at least. If you just leave the option to 'None' then you get those horrific jagged edges again.
- Try looking at simple designs such as at WDF and see how filburt1 has used readable fonts. His navigation is easy to follow and it can be read flawlessly.
- miSt