Yesterday at 09:38 PM Confuzzled said this in Post #2164
thank you for the quick reply.
I did a check on the file, and it IS there. I've talked with the admin, and he said that yes, there are personal shops are in play.
Is there any place in the admincp that lists the stores and what their selling? What should i look for in the personal shops that could bust it like this?
Thanks again
I am pretty sure there is nothing you did wrong. I think this is a bug from the last version that I have fixed on my version but I haven't released yet. To test this theory, try the following:
In battlefight.php, find:
PHP Code:
$itemcats = $DB_site->query("SELECT id, battletype FROM items_cats ORDER BY battletype");
and CHANGE it to:
PHP Code:
$itemcats = $DB_site->query("SELECT id, battletype FROM items_cats WHERE type = 0 ORDER BY battletype");
If that does not work then it may be something else that I am not aware of.