Thanks Xenon! Hmm it doesn't seem to work somehow, no extra 'edit post' options for moderators nor Super Moderators.
No errors either, works for admin's though...
Here are the actual code i used:
PHP Code:
//Admin Edit Hack by Xenon
$adminsql = "";
if ((!isset($userid) or $userid=="" or $userid==0) and in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7)) and $postinfo[userid]!=0) {
$adminsql .= "username='Guest',";
if (!isset($pthreadid) or $pthreadid=="" or $pthreadid==0) {
if (!isset($ipadd) or trim($ipadd)=="") {
And ofcourse this one:
PHP Code:
//Admin Edit Hack
if (in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))) {
$adminsql .= "ipaddress='".addslashes($ipadd)."',dateline='$datetime',editable='$editable',userid='$userid',threadid='$pthreadid',";