I am running Vbulletin 2.3.0 and had the exact same issue as Heffe2000 described above....however, after I went to VBulletin options and click submit as suggested, it got rid of the database error. You may want to somehow update the directions for this problem. Thanks for the solution though!
One small problem, it lists most of the top posters correctly, but it leaves some names completely out.
For example:
This forum's top 5 posters are: meru+rikku=anoying with 24 posts , Star F. Apacolypse with 18 posts , Phantom Warheart with 14 posts , Firebrand Delacroix with 9 posts , and with 8 posts!
but notice it doesn't say who did the 8 posts!
here's another of my forums:
This forum's top 5 posters are: Dark Firebrand with 20 posts , with 17 posts , with 9 posts , Epyon with 7 posts , and Star F. Apacolypse with 4 posts!
I think that the user named "Warrior of Light" has the 17 posts, and another named Sun2mid has the 9 here.....but I can't figure out why those usernames aren't showing up...