Today at 02:34 AM PBC said this in Post #3
Anything exciting?
Alot of them are just ports from existing hacks:
- vBsite - web portal
- vBindex - half done, web portal
- /me code
- Support forum
- Forums as columns
- Total time online
- Pre post messages for certain users
- Users style in postbit
- User selectable date format
- Style dropdown
- New posts/threads since last visit
- Signature limits
- vB2 Style ACP Navagation
- Microstats
- Ban users from using smilies
- Hacked archive to use URLs like Skuzzy's
- Default avatars
- Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc)
Thats most of the things I've done by hacking, as well as a few template edits using conditionals that would have been hacks before.