Today at 03:04 PM Attrox said this in Post #14

I don't really have an opinion on this, since I don't know Corey and never have never used any of his services. But I do have to laugh at those of you who just handed over $1000+ with out even seeing results. I mean WTF were you thinking? Not to be harsh or anything, I'm not sticking up for Corey either, I just think that was a stupid move really. You placed way to much trust in him...
And if you had a contract with him, that means he signed a legal agreement. Ever heard of a lawsuit? File one. I don't think starting a little riot on message boards is going to do anything, but tarnish their reputation. But whatever, I wish you and your little gang good luck with RavioWarning.com. You'll need it.
The problem is that NOBODY was coming out (I AM GUILTY) and letting everyone else know what was going on in the background. Meanwhile he was turning out designs that were pretty damn impressive with a lot of clients that would totally vouch for him.
I didn't just send money to someone I found out of the blue. He was a MODERATOR here, he had tons of people on Yaxay and many other places that would vouch for him.. Say how great his customer service was, etc.
When you are living all the way across the USA from him, you can't exactly sit down and shake hands or twist his neck when he doesn't perform. Making that worse is there was a severe lack of custom designers (that is changing now, thankfully!) so you had to get in line for him.. Not the other way around.
And that is exactly what happened.. Everyone wanted his work and he didn't say No to most people. He crossed the legal line and started taking money and not putting out work. Further, many people seem to think that he was just over-loaded.. I do not think that is the case.. I don't think he was working 5 days a week.. More like playing with the money he got and then doing work when it suited him.
With regards to legal remedies, I am looking into them myself. I have a good friend that is a lawyer here in Texas that is going to assist me. The problem is that he is up in Michigan or some other place. Interstate lawsuits are a real pain. We're looking into jurisdictional issue now. Its starting to look like I can make him travel down here or get a default judgement if he does not show. There will however be a problem if I were to have to take the matter up in his state. Most people can't afford to travel up there, attorney fees and room & board for a few thousand dollars. I have only used him for personal sites.. I don't have corporate backing. So, if I can't have the venue in my state, I am just screwed and will have to write it off.