Today at 05:45 PM Corbu said this in Post #68
What is the Best ? I wish people of JelSoft Team give us a response.
I don't work for Jelsoft, but I can safely tell you that Jelsoft will not be releasing their license integration to any site that asks for it. They will approach you if they believe that they need another official site.
In the meantime, it is impossible to know whether a member on your site has a valid vB license without this system.
Staff here cannot reveal the license status of members for privacy reasons to a third party.
Please do not use any other language other than English on these forums.
Any forums found to be releasing warez or pirated programs, or hacks without the permission of the authors, will be reported and if nothing is done will have their vB license revoked.
Since this thread has really gone off-topic, I am closing it. Feel free to open a new one.