06-20-03 at 12:40 PM iggy123 said this in Post #20
To disable the learn function totaly do this:
In the spelling folder open your spelling.js (remember to back it up first...)
Online 404 (approx) find:
PHP Code:
odoc.write("<input type='button' value='Learn' class='clbutton'
and delete all of it
then still in spelling.js find online 473 (approx):
PHP Code:
function Learn_Word(Word_ID)
Word = Bad_Words[Word_ID].Word;
Cookie = Get_Cookie("SpellLearned");
if (Cookie == null) Cookie = Word;
else Cookie = Cookie + "," + Word;
and delete that as well.
Save the spelling.js and the learn button is removed.
Why do you want to delete the learn button, It looks like to me that it only updates a cookie, and doesn't actually add any new records to the databse. Am I missing something?