It's almost impossible to merge the 3 french forums. The leaders don't have the same goals. There were 2 french websites : and A third one has been re-opened recently (
I'm working, like Corbu, Nzo and Lumina, for I think it's the best french forum. We offer excellent translations and try to promote the quality of support. I also like because we respect copyright and I'm in this team firstly to protect authors, secondly to translate style and languages files.
I would be very happy for the french community if there was an official french site. I see many good reasons :
- stop the stupid war between the 3 forums
- increase market share of vbulletin : french people DO NOT speak english fluently. Some programers speak english but are not used to understanting technical phrases. It's very difficult to configure a forum (even if you speak a perfect english). The lack of support is one of the reasons why people prefer other forums.
vbulletin is not very well-known in french countries (Quebec, France, Belgium, Swiss...) and a french web site could attract people.
- reduce warez in France : the unofficial websites can't check if there members have purchased a license.
- help french people with french packs.
- ameliorate vbulletin to comply with multiple languages.