04-18-03 at 06:28 PM Sanjiyan said this in Post #59
I've edited the showthread.php
urm, I copied:
PHP Code:
and put it below:
PHP Code:
$emailchecked = ($bbuserinfo['emailnotification']==1) ? "checked" : "";
So now it looks like
PHP Code:
$emailchecked = ($bbuserinfo['emailnotification']==1) ? "checked" : "";
$textareacols = gettextareawidth();
eval("\$replybox = \"".gettemplate('showthread_replybox')."\";");
But it still does not tick the Signature box nor add the signature.
Did I do it right? If not, where did I go wrong.
Did you put $signaturechecked in the template? It has to be there in the right place, of course
jdmuniverse: you removed the space between WHERE and threadid in the query. Put the space back.