I'm not searching through the array; I'm outputting all the values passed.
The script to parse ALL the post vars worked fantastic, but I ran into a problem trying to handle post arrays. Here's the code:
PHP Code:
if (isset($submit)) {
$scriptmid = "?foo=bar";
while (list($key,$value) = each($POST_VARS)) {
//echo "Starting POST var loop.";
if ($key <> "submit" && $key <> "thecode") {
if (is_array($key)) {
//echo "POST var is array - starting loop.";
$scriptmid = $scriptmid . "&" . $key . "=[";
while (list($pkey,$pvalue) = each($key)) {
$scriptmid = $scriptmid . $pvalue . ",";
$scriptmid = $scriptmid . "]";
else {
$scriptmid = $scriptmid . "&" . $key . "=" . $value;
It recognizes that the one field I'm looking for is an array, but it doesn't output the right information from the array handling loop.
For what I'm trying to do, take a look at the following:
The script is being used to output a customized syndicated content feed. All the other vars are working fine, but I'm not having any luck passing forumid (look at the script tag in the textarea at the bottom of the screen after you've selected a couple of forums).