hey when i try to start the import i get this error message, any ideas? Im going from ib 1.2 to vb 2.0.3
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:
Invalid SQL: SELECT g_id AS importusergroupid,g_view_board AS canview,g_mem_info AS canviewmembers,
g_other_topics AS canviewothers,g_use_search AS cansearch,g_email_friend AS canemail,
g_edit_profile AS canmodifyprofile,g_post_new_topics AS canpostnew,
g_reply_own_topics AS canreplyown,g_reply_other_topics AS canreplyothers,
g_edit_posts AS caneditpost,g_delete_own_posts AS candeleteownpost,
g_open_close_posts AS canopenclose,g_delete_own_topics AS candeletethread,
g_post_polls AS canpostpoll,g_vote_polls AS canvote,g_use_pm AS canusepm,
g_is_supmod AS ismoderator,g_access_cp AS cancontrolpanel,g_title AS title,
g_max_mass_pm AS maxbuddypm
FROM dahonk_ivdb1.ibf_groups
ORDER BY importusergroupid
mysql error: select command denied to user: 'dahonk_orphen@localhost' for table 'ibf_groups'
mysql error number: 1142
Date: Tuesday 05th of August 2003 12:24:58 AM
Script: http://www.dbzgfx.com/forum/forum/im...port_invib.php
Referer: http://www.whatever.a-techweb.com/fo...port_invib.php