Today at 06:59 AM forumdude said this in Post #4
hmmm. I suppose that's a good start but it didn't work completely on my site.
Size=100 still went through (or anything over 13) and some of the other sizes I tried ended up as this character:
I just realized that the other day(after a member used 15), so I updated my code to handle it:
PHP Code:
[disable]$message = preg_replace("/\[size=\+(\d+)\](.+)\[\/size\]/siU", "[size=\\1]\\2[/size]", $message);
$message = preg_replace("/\[size=(4|5|6|7|8|9|\d\d|\d\d\d)\](.+)\[\/size\]/siU", "[size=3]\\2[/size]", $message);[/disable]
When I get time, I plan on updating and testing this: (it should work, but I haven't tested it just yet :surprised: )
PHP Code:
[disable]$message = preg_replace("/\[size=\+?[4-999]\](.+)\[\/size\]/siU", "[size=3]\\1[/size]", $message);[/disable]
It will go to size 999, but you could make it go higher