Yesterday at 09:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
3. I would really like to be able to make it possible for users to not change their characters once they have been created (unless maybe purchasing the ability to do so at Lesane's Store). Is there a way to block a character from being eligable for battle or from buying items until the forum user clicks on 'Finalize Character' and it locks it from being edited?
I made an addon that is really close to this... it locks a user's RPG stats when they reach a certain level. I have mine set to level 5, that way my members can examine all characters, but once they get to level 5 they have to make a permanant decision because it locks and users can't change stats anymore.
Bitsys, would you mind adding this addon to the front page, I have had a few people ask me for it. Its been working on my board for over a month now. Heres the link:
CLICK HERE for Auto-Lock Stats Addon