well firstly, you know that you will be looping the template 5 times, right? meaning you have FIVE tables instead of one... so you probably shouldn't use a table in your template, just the link, followed by a <br />
AND are you putting the $last5postsshow in the forumdisplay template to be displayed?
Also, you need to eval EVERY variable u use in your templates... so it should look like this...
while($this5post=$DB_site->fetch_array($getlast5posts)) {
eval("\$forumspathe = \"".$forumspath."\";");
eval("\$tid = \"".$this5post[threadid]."\";");
eval("\$ttitle = \"".$this5post[title]."\";");
eval("\$last5postsshow = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_lastpostby')."\";");
now you will be able to use those variables in
forumdisplay templates... also, you should edit your lastpostby template to JUST a link, because remember, that's the template that will be repeated 5 times, so if you have a table in there, there will be five tables... or if you absolutely need a table, put this in the forum display
then in the lastpostby template....
<td> -- YOUR LINK TO POST -- </td>
i hope this helps