Ok there's alot of stuff there to pick through so I figure it'd just be easier to ask my questions and see if they were answered already (though I'm sure they weren't..)
1. I would like to maintain my use of Lesane's Store Hack, however at this time it does not allow me to use the bank feature. Is there a way to make it work?
If not, would it be possible just to install the bank hack, and then the bank to store integration for Lesane's?
2. When you are in usercp and you select your gender & alignment, you must submit that information before the ability to choose a race comes up, etc. Is there a way to make those combo boxes auto-fill upon choosing without having to submit and reload?
3. I would really like to be able to make it possible for users to not change their characters once they have been created (unless maybe purchasing the ability to do so at Lesane's Store). Is there a way to block a character from being eligable for battle or from buying items until the forum user clicks on 'Finalize Character' and it locks it from being edited?
4. Is there a way you could adapt this so an admin may edit characters through the admin cp?
Also, many thanks for your time and effort, this is a great hack and has given my forum users so much more to do!!!