Okay, if I post that my server loads are 0.02 0.05 0.06 - what does that tell you?
If I tell you that it is 0.02 0.05 0.06 at off-peak times with 200 users online on a Dual Xeon 2 GB RAM dedicated server that tells you a bit more. If I then tell you that at peak with 500 users online on the same machine my server loads are 1.01 1.14 1.04 then it tells you a bit more about the range my box can take.
But it still doesn't say much. Because if I tell you it's vB3, it's more info. If I then tell you that if I switch on Similar Threads, my server loads go up to 4.01 4.23 5.67 then that's more information again.
You see, you cannot compare server loads - it's like comparing the speed of your car at the moment - tells you nothing - your car could be parked, you could be on a freeway, you could be in the city, or driving in the countryside, your car could be a turbo or a sedan etc - the speed at any given time of a car tells you nothing about the car or what your car is doing. Same thing with server loads.