1- To fix it, edit show.php, find line:
PHP Code:
else {$gettemp1=$DB_site->query("UPDATE webtemplates SET lastvisitorname='$user_username', lastvisittime='$timenow' WHERE title='$pg'");}
Replace it as:
PHP Code:
else {$gettemp1=$DB_site->query("UPDATE webtemplates SET lastvisitorname='".addslashes($user_username)"', lastvisittime='$timenow' WHERE title='$pg'");}
2- You are using old version of webtemplates, I would suggest upgrade to new 2.x version
3- Please report bugs in hack threads. I run into that messagely accidently and I would never know about it.
4- Congratulations because you catch a bug in a script which is 1.5 years old. lol. I wonder how come nobody ever run into this bug before, very weird!