07-21-03 at 04:27 PM MrNase said this in Post #28
Nice hack but my users ask me what they can do with the points 
Some questions:
Can i add that variable to another templates too?
What needs to be changed to make i working?
Do you have any updates?
(thought you'll do a memberlist integration last weekend?)
you can use it everywhere where the 'user' table is used.
just install it to make it work?
and yes there are going to be updates but I had very little time lately.. I will make an update soon, promise
and about members asking what they can do with them.. well at this point it just reflects how much he really does on your board and if its good or not

however in the next update I will include the option in which the user can pay a certain amount of his rating points to another member.. I will also make an addon for this for lesane's store hack