OK, I went ahead and let it rip... a few problems to report...
Announcements - these are messed up. I would recommend that anyone planning to use this unset the announcement bit on those topics. I had two very long threads that were annoucements, and the import converted the original topic post to a vBulletin annoucement, and dropped the rest of the thread! Ahhh! I'm attempting to rebuild the two threads by copying and pasting them all in my id, then going into the database and changed the userid. Hopefully this will work.
Moved Threads - all of the moved threads that had a pointer in the original location left empty topics in the original location with a date of 1969. It was easy to prune them out when I figured out what had happened.
Private Messages - gone... don't know why, but none of them came over.
I tried the dummy topics to sync things up, but that didn't work. For some reason a few of the topics didn't make it and that hosed up my counts. Two of them were the annoucements... don't know what the others were.
There is no turning back for me.. the site gets too much traffic to turn it off and fool with the database. I'm trying to clean things up now after the fact. I guess I should have done more testing beforehand, but I didn't have much time.