This hack seems to be great, but im having a small problem here that I cant seem to fix:
Fatal error: imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0 or later in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/dreamers/gdresize.php on line 22
I just downloaded the latest GD, and uploaded the files to the /etc/gd directory. I ran the commands in the install file and everything seemed to work fine. There weren't any errors and each command line (configure, make, make install) each apparently did what they were supposed to. But when i went back to try out the hack, the uploading didn't work.
Right now, everything but the uploading of the photo works. Do you have any idea what ive done wrong? Should I install GD into another directory? Thanks for all your help, this hack will be great if I can get it working!