06-23-03 at 10:59 AM eddieeddie said this in Post #26
This hack has made all searcheds on my board no longer work.
When I disable it, searches work fine.
Same here! It has to do with the Include in the include.php. Anyone have a solution for this?
EDIT: Just for record sake, I did not install this as a hack. I used the suggestion above and added it to the phpinclude section of the template as I wanted it to be free standing and allow me to use it as part of my PostNuke site also. So once I included it, it stopped the search function for operating on my vBulletin site. I just spent a little time and found that the search function uses a variable called $query as does the banner.php. I editted the banner.php file renaming the variable to $banquery and all is now working. The line numbers in the banner.php file are:
Line 24
Line 26 (2X)
Line 29
Line 31 (2X)
Line 34
Line 36
Line 59
Line 60
Line 63
Line 64
This should help anyone with the same issue.