Yesterday at 10:23 PM Moreliator said this in Post #2020
Bitsys, I'd just like to let you know that my forums have now hit over 2,000 battles. I still do not have any major glitches.
ahh yep ^_^ i believe the latest battle id is 3012 on my forums, and ive gotten all the glicthes out of my version. in fact i dont think ill be updating any more unless there is something being added on which i havent already :-p although there was just a nagging problem with interest not working on time on my forums, but i rewrote it myself. did that ever happen to anyone? i honestly never checked or bothered to report it cause i fixed it :-p
also, if your users cant help but hit the submit button a zillion times....i suggest you put up a javascript submit-disabler script. we currently use one on a different hack, and that solves all the problems of hitting submit too much :-p