Bitsys, I'd just like to let you know that my forums have now hit over 2,000 battles. I still do not have any major glitches. We had a few monetary problems in the past, but with the rewritten money part for wagering and stuff that you released in the past week I have had no problem since.
I just wanted to let you know this, because my users are using this hack extensively and it is holding up very nicely. I have multiple addons made for this RPG, and still no problems.
Rewriting the script to take money from pocket and not bank would, however, be beneficial IMO.
The only problem we have now is battle records. Is there anyway you could write a script that goes through and corrects battle records? Some of our members have like 90 battles played, but only 5 wins and 2 losses... it works the other way too, sometimes a member will have 30 games played but like 90 wins. I've narrowed it down to two things:
1) Battle Records mess up when our Database goes down in the middle of a battle ending report
2) There have been instances where a user repeatedly presses the "Acknowledge Results" button, causing record errors.
Its not really a glitch though, just a small problem :P
Good Work, and thanks. Looking forward to that final version