I ran into a problem and I wanted to see if anyone else could replicate this.
Someone made a donation through the paypal system, testing it's functionality for me. An error occured and I made some changes to the system as they received an error too.
Error that arrived in my Inbox included:
mysql error: Duplicate entry '311656859T426214A' for key 1
mysql error number: 1062
I refunded the donation to the person in question through the paypal system since I couldn't find any option to do this through this system's admin.
When I did that I received an email containing:
You have received a new payment transaction. To view the deatils of this new transaction place the following line into your database manager:
SELECT * FROM `paypal` WHERE `txn_id` = '61C12242C1842292T'
When the person went to make another donation she received the following:
Error Detected
This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant.
So does this mean a person cannot make more than one donation through this system? What happens if a person wants to make monthly donations to the site?
How come when the donation was refunded to the person I got a 'new payment transaction' notice?
So far the system looks real nice and with some html edits I got it looking real nice. Now if I can figure out these little 'errors' I'll be a happy user!