Logician - I have a page where I need to use the following code to refresh an image on a page automatically:
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function refre++++() {
if (!document.images) return;
document.images['myCam'].src = 'http://mysite/mypic.jpg?' + Math.random();
setTimeout('refre++++()',20000); // refresh every 20 secs
<body onLoad=" setTimeout('refre++++()',20000)">
<img border=2 src="http://mysite/mypic.jpg"
height="240" width="320" alt="Loading..." align="center">
Basically this refreshes the image on the page without refreshing the whole page. As you can see part of it is between the <head> tags. I've tried creating a page, but it doesn't refresh. The code by itself on a normal html page outside the forum works fine.
Any ideas how I might be able to achive this?