Today at 06:34 PM NexDog said this in Post #665
Well, your biggest problem is that your server appears to be down. 
Problem 2 - no, smilies don't work - is that a biggie?
Yeah, My server went down because we were hosting some Quake 4 images.

appearantly people wanted to see em.
I kinda wanted the smilies. I was hoping to use the archive like a 56k friendly version of my site. That's why I wanted to add a small header and footer too if it were at all possible. If it's possible at all to get smilies working that would be really cool. I just want it so that they don't show the red Xs. So if it's not possible to get them to work, then I would at the very least like to get it to just show the text and not the redXs.
Does any of that sound possible?