I am also interested in a PDA template. I am in the process of migrating pdaPhoneHome from phpBB to vBulletin. The site is heavily modified and has a lot of phpBB driven pages that pull data from the database. I have a complete version of the site done for PDAs and need to do the same for vBulletin before I can migrate. I've bought my license for vB and started working on porting the site, thinking that I could drop the PDA version for now... but my users don't agreee. I need a PDA template quickly.
If the PDAToon's version is in French, is there anyone here who could translate it? Or, could PDAToon give us a "step by step" on what you had to do to get this template done? I'm stuck on phpBB until I can figure this out... and now that I've seen vB.... I really want to get moved over.