Thanks Gary -
I ended up doing it like this:
PHP Code:
$events = $DB_site->query("SELECT event, DATE_FORMAT(eventdate,'%d %M') AS date, eventdate, eventid, subject
FROM calendar_events
WHERE public = 1 AND eventdate >= NOW()
ORDER BY eventdate LIMIT 8");
if ($DB_site->num_rows($events)) {
echo "<ul>";
while ($event = $DB_site->fetch_array($events)) {
echo "<li><font size=\"1\">".$event['date']." <a
href='calendar.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&eventid=".$event['eventid']."'>".$event['subject']."</a> <br>
} else {
echo "No Events";
echo "</ul>";
The only problem with this is I can't seem to change the date format to support the actual day - like Friday 13th September