First of all...thanks for a superb hack!
This makes things so easy for me compared to the manual labor I had to do for each contributing member.
I was looking for a system like this for a long time and I can't believe I found this! heh...
I have some minor requests, if that's ok. I figured since this is beta still that you won't mind...
Having the option to automatically move a contributing user to a specified usergroup upon successful/completed donation. I have a separate usergroup for contributors, giving them access to special forums etc on my site, and it would be great if the system could automatically transfer them to a usergroup admin specifies when their donation clears.
Delete function/Expire function on goals
Being able to expire goals would be great. Especially if there was some sort of automation, where if you flag a goal as "purchased" or "reached" it would then go away.
For instance, if you're setting up a goal to reach $xxx for a software/hardware addidtion to the site, and you reach that, then you're able to flag that goal as reached and that particular goal is removed and/or archived
I say Archived because it would be cool to have a list of "Goals Reached". This would show the contributing users that their donations are in fact helping the site. I realize this might be a little redundant, so it's just an open suggestion.
Donation Amount Explanations
One of the plans on our site is to set up the different donation amounts for users to quickly choose an amount they want to donate and thankfully that's already in there. One thing we do on the site is to offer some different perks depending on amount donated and it would be really great if we had a text field to write these in on each donation amount. For us it would just be a bulleted list of perks per amount...
Donating to a specific goal
This is more of a user-side suggestion. Some users are likely to want to donate their money to one goal in particular. Let's say you have 5 goals set up on your site. These are goals adding different features to your site. User X wants to donate $xx to goal #1. Is there any way to have donation buttons per goal so the user can click desired amount for a goal and have it reflect his goal donation in the Item Title of the donation as his contribution done towards that particular goal?
I don't know if that makes sense, so let's clearify.
Let's say we have goal 1 and goal 2. A user wants to donate to goal 2 as this seems to interest him. He clicks on a button for $20 under goal 2 and goes through the donation steps.
An E-mail arrives to system admin as always. In the Email it says...
Payment Details:
Total Amount: $20.00
Currency: U.S. Dollars
Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quantity: 1
Item Title: Site Name - Donation towards goal2name
Item Number: 1
Invoice ID: xxxxxxxx
Buyer: Name Surname
Just an idea of course

It would open up possibilities for separating goals on the frontpage of forums too and show how much is needed for the different goals etc...
Well, here I am suggesting a ton of stuff. I honestly am VERY happy about this system. It makes my life easier!
Of the suggested features I would have to say I personally would really enjoy the usergroup feature the most, seeing how that's something we rely on.
I bet other sites using this system takes advantage of the usergroup powers as well...but I might be wrong of course
Thanks again and keep up the stellar work!
*Clicks Install*