Oke this is my very first 'released' hack and allthough its pretty simple I presonally quite like it
what this basicly does is count rating towards users when they reply or start a new thread, of course you can specify in what forums it will do this and how much rating points they will get when replying or starting a new thread, you can also TAKE rating away when a user replies or starts a thread.
In my eyes this is perfect to keep your users monitored automaticly, for example.. say you got a babes board, like rip-productions and users can request babe pix, say you withdraw 5 points each time this user requests pix of a babe so eventually he will reach 0 or even less (-10 whatever..) you can spot this way more easily and do something about it..
of course this is not entirely automated yet I am going to make this hack more advanced, so you can get certain stats (list users with rating betwean x and x.. as an example) but for now this is gonna have to do as I do not have a lot of time to work on this..
Im sure a lot of you will think this is a useless hack but hey.. I thought it would come in handy for my board so maybe others could use it aswell
anyways, to install the hack just follow the instructions in the attached file, screenshots are beneath this post.. please click the
install button when you use this hack!
and BACKUP your files! allthough I have tested this hack it may still have bugs!