Today at 04:59 AM DeeperImage said this in Post #159
Would you be kind enough to tell us exactly what you did in there? thanks.
Sure! Bear in mind that I am a TOTAL ROOKIE at this, I have a slight amount of experience with Microsoft SQL, but I have never used any web based stuff at all.
I applied the hack using the second option and got the success message.
Then, I used phpMyAdmin (which is software provided by my web hosting company), selected 'database', then the 'forum' database. I was then presented with a list of tables in the database. I selected the "smilie" table, browsed it, and edited the following 2 fields until they were in the order I needed. "Smilieid" and "showid".
I renumbered the ones that I wanted to move (i.e. 12,13,14,15) to numbers out of my range, them renumbered the ones I wanted to make 12,13,14,15, and finally renumbered the temporary numbered ones back to the former numbers of the ones I moved.
This may be a round about, convaluted way to do this, but it worked!!