Today at 06:55 AM Sebastian said this in Post #5
some people spend hours writing articles for some lazy person to come and copy & paste and basically call it their own?
You are not understanding my situation.
I have an automotive site where hobbyists gather. One asks a question, another comments, another answers something else, it becomes a collection of comments and explanations. There are no articles, as you put it. I am not copying something and calling it my own. Any reproduction of the text would credit the writer.
People like reading summaries of condensed content, picking the best posts from various topics. None of those people regard themselves as published authors with valuable materials at stake.
The lone exception, which I am trying to protect, I might add, is the serious, published author who wants to protect the possibility of using some text they generated, even if it is unlikely, since they will (may?) be writing a next book. I want them to be protected, as they desire.
I also want to be able to,
if possible, assemble (in digest form) the best content, to provide to people who like it in review, who want it in hard copy, and also for those who simply don't have time to wade through lots of threads in search of what they are seeking.