I'm getting a weird problem wih 2.3.0.
First the default style wasn't showing up. So I went in and selected it for my style. And it worked.
But now it only says that one person is using it when in reality over 200 are. Any ideas on how to get the correct user count?
Edited: I think I figured out what the problem was. I'm just not sure how to fix it.
on 2.3.0 - when you go to select a style in your user CP, the first one that shows up is "use forum default" - I think that's what the problem is. I've also installed the "What styles are we all using" hack, and that comes up blank for all the people who had Default since that's the spot where "use forum default" now is. But if I go into someones account through the admin CP and I change their style to the Default one, it adds a number and it shows up on postbit (what styles are we all using).
Any ideas on how to get rid of the "use forum default" thing? I took it out of the template it was in through the admin CP, but it still isn't working. So I'm guessing I need to take it out of one of the php files. I just don't want to mess anything up. Anyone have any ideas?
Edited Again: bluecat - Try going into your own User CP and selecting the style that doesn't show up. It probably isn't selected, so I'd try using it yourself, and then it should work.