well,it might sound foolish,but here it goes anyways.
im mocking around, "building" a website (
http://www.donttrustanyone.org - please dont laugh

), and i will have two clans on my forum for this site.
in essence i want to keep the original looks on the clan,as they got 3 diferent usergroups within their "ranks" so to speak.
it will be the same for clan nr 2 that im adding,but as they will have their own forum the other users cant see (as will r1) i want them to feel athome with their "old" banner etc.
anyone know how to make it so that when [Clan1]Peter logs into my forum, he gets like [clan1]banner.gif showed,and when [Clan2]Pan logs in he gets to see [clan2]banner.gif ?
while im at it,is it also possible that the two groups get different kinds of default avatars?
and is it possible to fix this btw:
for some od reason i get the signatures "high", ie lotsa deadspace. its very annoying