groovesalad if you have phpadmin installed click on the vbulletin database then chose the table named "nntp_groups" in this table look for the "group name", you might have a few...I have 2 newgroups ,find the group eg; and click *edit* where it says *lastmsg" you might see "30168650"...edit this number and change to a lower number, make sure the "save" option is clicked and hit "GO" go visit gateway.php or sync through the admin.cp and you should see a bunch of threads being loaded in...if you use admin.cp you will see all the new posts being added
**Note next time you go into phpadmin the last post count may be changed back to 30168650 or something close, as this is the most current post...thats okay set the number again for the newsgroup a bit lower than last time and keep downloading the posts in chunks as I mentioned above, dont try to do all posts at once in a big group...use this method and decrease the posts each time and download...this worked for me and should work for you.