Yesterday at 11:06 PM proxyMX said this in Post #41
i love this hack
used it to ban a hacker. not a vb hacker a bad guy "mess up your site" hacker
Then you're using it for something far beyond the scope of it's purpose.
With this hack installed it is now possible to warn a user more than once for the same post.
That's intended. Occasionally someone may go back and make it more offensive. Some people also like to split up the warnings: i.e. one for 'racial slurs' and one for 'vulgar language'...
Would it be possible for the Add Warning link not to be displayed once a warning has already been added for that post? or at least make it not possible to warn for the same post more than once, with multiple moderators a single post can rack up the points when everyone warns for it.
Yes, however, it would require editting the query that gets the post, as well as the code added in for showthread.
Also, everytime a warning is issued, in the notification message it shows the warning will expire on Never, no matter what duration is entered, it allways says Never. This is only in the message, the actual warning does expire when it is supposed to.
Any suggestions?
One of two things I can think of:
- Go to the options, go to Warning Expiration, and make sure "Always Expire" or "Issuer's Choice" is selected. If they already are, go to step 2...
- Go to each warning, and see if they're all set to expire never. If they are, or most are, go to the options, and make sure Moderator Overide defaults is set to yes, or change the default length of the warnings.