OK, I've tried various variations for the path and still get the same 'Query Failed' error. My windows path to the gallery is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\gallery
The thumbincluder.php file is located in the root of gallery folder above. My configurations settings are currently set to:
$Url_Path = "http://mysite.com/gallery/"; //URL of your photo album, where the index.php is (with / at end)
$data_dir = "http://mysite.com/gallery/data/" ; //URL of your photo dir where those jpeg stored (with / at end)
$images_dir =$Url_Path."images/"; //URL of your photopost images dir where default missing thumb image is stored (with / at end)
$rel_dir = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/gallery"; // path to the data directory where pictures reside RELATIVE
// to the location of THIS file (used for checking thumbs)
//Database Setting
//You must change these values in order to run this script
//These value are not visible in the output page source
$host = "localhost"; //Server Name
$user= "removed"; //Username
$password= "removed"; //Password
$database="removed"; //Photopost database name or forum database name
I've tried a variety of paths for the $rel_dir , including:
1. "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\gallery"
2. "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/gallery" (to make sure PHP is ok with the path)
3. "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\htdocs\\gallery" (which vB required for installation)
4. "C:\Progra~1/Apache~1/Apache/htdocs/gallery" (short name in case LFN's are causing the problem"