It's off, I can't believe it took me this long to install this. I never really saw the point, but it's really nice. thanks firefly.
Anyway, I wanted some smilies but hated the idea of loading the 2 vbcode js files just for smile insertion. It seemed like alot to add to every single page. plus, I didn't like how the smile box looked. I did it a little differently and thought maybe you guys would want it.
If you want to add smilies, you don't need to edit any files, just change your showthread_replybox template to this one. It doesn't require any js files at all. I already added the necessary js. (very short) there isn't any getclickysmiles needed to be added either. I manually put a small collection of smiles in the template. They are the default smiles that came with vb. You could always edit the template to change the smiles. Instead of them being in a box to the side, they are lined up under the message box next to the check message legth link.