Thanks to iggy123 for supporting this mod on this site. I have got Jelsoft to give me access for a week to clear up any confusion and answer some questions. If you want me to stay around longer you will have to let the reps at Jelsoft know that I am legit and worth keeping around. :-D
0. Make sure you upload everything from Common & from the MySQL directories to your "spelling" directory!
1. I noticed that there was some confusion about "learn" -- this does not modify anything on your server -- you don't have to worry about users adding "bad" words to your dictionary. :-) It only effects the user who learned the word. So If I learn "phpSpell" then when you spell check it still will come up wrong for you; since only I learned it.
2. If you have pspell/ispell installed/built in to your php; you can choose to use pspell rather than mysql as your dictionary source.
(This presumes you have pspell/ispell installed correctly and a dictionary for them installed correctly).
3. Most people won't have pspell installed; so as of this moment you will want to choose:
$Spell_Config["DB_Type"] = "MySQL";
remember you only want ONE "DB_Type" uncommented. Second you will need to make sure you change right below it:
$Spell_Config["DB_Username"] = "...";
$Spell_Config["DB_Password"] = "...";
$Spell_Config["DB_Database"] = "...";
$Spell_Config["D_Host"] = "localhost";
To what you have in your "config.php" file.
4. For those who would like more possible words to show up you have two options:
$Spell_Config["Levenshtein_Distance"] = 3;
change this to a larger number -- it will product more words.
and/or this one.
$Spell_Config["Off_By_One_Search"] = 0;
Change to 1 or 2. 1 = Checks only if no matches were found using the normal search. 2 = Always check this way also. This option is tremendously slower than the normal method. Which is why the default is typically set at 1 or 0.
5. Feel free to ask me anything about the spell checker and problems with it and I will attempt to help you out while I have access to here.
And finally I have added support for vBulletin in the next version of the spell checker. :-) You will set the DB_Type = "vBulletin" and everything else besides the template change will be handled for you. However I need someone who wants to test it to make sure I got it right. :-D I don't have access to vBulletin, so I am using what I found posted in another forum as the base to add the support. If someone want to help me get it fully supporting 2.x & 3.x let me know!