Here is what I did to suit my needs running 2.2.9, Photopost 4.0 and vBPortal:
On the vBportal homepage, I simply added a center block, selected php script as the type and then added the following line:
I decided to add the thumbnails to the forumdisplay template in lieu of an already busy forum home page, so I added the following to forumdisplay.php:
// +--------------------------------------------------------------
// | Photopost to vbhome Link
// +--------------------------------------------------------------
$templatesused.= 'home_gallery';
eval( '$gallery = "' . gettemplate( 'home_gallery' ) . '";' );
This is identical to what Pixels instructions said to add to the index.php of forumhome.
I created a custom home_gallery template, added the postthumbnail line in the phpinclude template and then called the $posthumbnail from the home_gallery template. Works like a charm!
If you want to see yet another example of these modifications, you can visit for the vBportal integration and to see the thumbnails on my forumdisplay.
Photopost and VB are an awesome pair indeed!