Yesterday at 04:53 PM kaotic said this in Post #1948
Wow... so what exactly did you do to put up the 'specific type' warning when purchasing an item? Or is that private information?
i just said what i did :-p i created a type to which i put no classes on, and called it 'Certain Type' mainly so that i could create a nice illusion. if ur in a 'wrong' itemshop, it would normally give you this (say you were a magician type and was in the warrior itemshop): You need to be a Warrior Type to purchase
see? so if i wanted a combo intemshop, then i needed something which nobody could *be*, and i could have it display for EVERYONE that a certain type was needed :-p i cant think of a better way to explain it...
lol, you alone shoul dbe able to experience my tinkering firsthand :-p