You need to give this a lot more thought.
Like it or not, your use of their Windows name is not coincidental and the term (domain registration) is being used (publicly) in the context of it being an Operating System...... which is exactly that their product is. Though you may not like being told what to do by a large, powerful corporation in this situation, you really are infringing upon a trademark that belongs to them. And they have every right and legal opportunity to go after you to the fullest extent of their interests and the law.
Holding out at this point because you think you "might" make a lot of money from this would not be very smart, as you're the one infringing upon them. They owe you nothing more than "fair notice" of the problem..... and they've taken care of that now by contacting you.
At the moment, you can't even claim ignorance of this matter (which wouldn't have excused you, anyway). Should you go on now to worsen your legal position by trying to hide the real (and innocent) purpose of your use of this domain by creating some cute/bogus "open shutters" connection..... then you'd be doing this "after the fact." (You must realize that they would have already researched and documented every bit of information displayed at your domain and your registration BEFORE they contacted you.) So, making changes now would only demonstrate an intentional motivation on your part to hide, cover up, falsify, or defraud people about this.
Be careful..... and good luck.
(Let us know how this works out, ok?)