my daily job is an LDAP admin and i am looking at taking the users table and perhaps a little extra info and having it as a schema in an openLDAP directory. Authorisation woudl be against the LDAP dir and all post info woudl be against the mysql Dir.
Main reason I can see this working for is a central user store for multiple boards, or for intranet users (such as myself).
I envision someone clicking the register button, entering a username and that username being looked up in the LDAP server. If it is found, the user registers and their user info is stored in their entry in the LDAP server, a modified user entry is stored in the db aswell for that board.
signing on to another board, registration see's existing user entry under that DN (name) and prompts for password, if password matches then info is pulled from the LDAP dir and populated into the DB, user can login to 2 boards, or multiple now.
I am still planning/thinking about this.. but give me feed back if you like
no guarantee i am going to do this, but I am pretty interested in doing it.
if anyone has a really good understanding of how the vB login process works / user storage .. and might be able to help out let me know.. as it is i am going to go through and work all that out.