06-29-03 at 10:51 PM chrisz said this in Post #1934
Well make it so when you hit armour it still does damage instead of hurting yourself.
Or if not just how do I edit the damage (where) and where I edit the % you hit.
At the top of battleupdate.php, you will see:
PHP Code:
// formula for calculating the amount of damage done by fists
function cal_fists($level) {
return floor(log10($level) * 30 + rand(-(int)($level * .15), (int)($level * .15))) + 1;
You can change that formula to adjust the amount of damage done by fists.
There is a 50% chance that you will hurt yourself if the opponent is wearing armor.
I am out of town for 10 days starting tomorrow. If you have any questions or problems, post them here and someone will probably be able to help you. If not, I will do my best to answer questions when I get back.
See you when I get back