Today at 01:19 AM KISS said this in Post #13
Nope Doesn't work. Same thing. When you click on a smilie in Quick Reply they no longer work.
Oh, and thanks for the Mod and Admin settings. Works great.
Ok, I'll look into it more.. Do you by chance have the QuickQuote add on for your Quick Reply box? This could be causing it.
{edit} I just added clickable smilies to my quick reply and its working fine for me.. So I'm guessing that you guys have also installed my quick quote addon for quick reply? And if you did, maybe you forgot to follow these steps in the instructions for the addon?
Note: If you have clickable smilies with your Quick Reply you will need to find and replace ALL occurrences of "vbform" with "post" in the following places:
newreply template
newthread template
vbcode_popup_smilies template