Today at 02:02 AM Parker Clack said this in Post #24
I just changed
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM privatemessage WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM privatemessage WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND folderid=0");
to erase just those messages that are saved in the main folder. If you create another folder ie: saved or trash or whatever it is assigned a folderid and those messages will not get deleted.
If this usage makes you happy, it is ok, enjoy. But IMO it defeats the primary reason why you need this hack: If user is advanced to delete PM folders individually then he doesn't need this hack anyway, he can just manually erase messages in the folders he wants.
But many users are newbies and just don't notice they have more than 1 PM box (inbox, outbox, other folders they created etc.). So when they get your PM folder full warning, they just delete the inbox and when this does not avoid the error, they complain. This hack is intended to cure this problem and if you exempt a certain folder, IMO it can not serve this purpose.
But your call anyway..