Just installed this hack on a 2.3.0 board, and it's working a charm, thank you very much
09-06-01 at 10:46 AM AJR said this in Post #1
Known Problems:
- Countries with a dash (-) or comma (,) will not show up
automatically in as selected when you or the member edit
their profile (Congo, Korea, and Micronesia are the only 3)
Anyone know a fix please let me know.
Taking a very quick glance as your code, I think it's not working because you are using variables named after the countries to call whichever country needs to be selected. In thory this works, until an invalid char comes into the arrangement, amnd breaks the variable.
In other words
$ctryTogoselected -
$ctryUnited_Kingdomselected & even
$ctryBritish_Indian_Ocean_Territoryselected are all valid variable names, but
$ctryUmm_al-Qaiwanselected is not. (all the computer see's is $ctryUmm_al).
Update the variables to remove the hyphens and comma's and it will work
(sorry if someone else has already posted this soloution, i've not read the thread or anything, i just knew this was the problem from looking at the code.
anyway, like i said, great hack, thank you very much.